Thursday, June 24, 2010


Today I woke up grumpy. Why? Because at 6:00 AM the stupid construction workers fired up their machines and started digging around RIGHT outside my bedroom window. Seriously ticked me right off. I wanted to go outside and tell them exactly how I felt, but a) I was way too tired, and b) Tyson would have killed me. So instead I layed in bed getting angrier and angrier till about 10 when I gave up the idea of sleeping today and got up. So then I creepily took a picture of them outside me window so that I could come blog about it.

Yup. Thats them. The people I hate today. They are connecting us to Rexburg Sewers or something like basically its going to be a LONG summer. It doesnt seem to be bother kitty near as much as it is bothering me though. She's just been snoozing away all morning. Is it weird to be jealous of a cat?!


  1. Mandi I love you!
    I just read your facebook then your blog because I wanted to figure out why you were grumpy. Your blog looks so much more pretty then mine does! I really laughed out loud at all 10 things you said about the farm. I seriously was rolling, just thought you would want to know you have one more follower! Love you cuz! thanks for everything over this past 6 months~

  2. Construction is the worst!! We're fixing up my house so every morning I wake up super early in the morning to people banging on my porch in the front. I hate it.
